Hassam Khan Wazir

Engineer > Electrical | Mechanical | Mechatronics & Robotics
Dessert Connoisseur🍦(Self proclaimed)



New York University

New York City, USA

Hi and welcome to my website! :wave:

I’m a Research Scientist at the Mechatronics, Controls, and Robotics Lab at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, specializing in digital health, ambient assistive technology, and telerehabilitation, particularly for the geriatric population. My research leverages connected and wearable devices, alongside commercially available technologies, to improve healthcare outcomes. My work spans robotics, mechatronics, wireless networks, augmented/virtual reality, computer vision, audio, and deep learning, with contributions to research in stroke and lymphedema rehabilitation.

With a strong background in robotics, electrical, mechanical, and mechatronics engineering, I specialize in collecting data from human subjects under IRB protocols, analyzing that data, training deep learning models, and designing wearable sensors. My experience includes designing and developing wearable inertial sensors for motion capture, developing control systems for robotic manipulators, and implementing computer vision and audio analysis for human-robot interaction. Sometimes, I also design and fabricate robotic systems for theatrical productions :performing_arts:, and build hexapods :octopus:, which is a lot of fun!


Jul 17, 2024 Presented a Poster at the 2024 IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Conference 📊
Jul 15, 2024 Started a Research Scientist Position at NYU Tandon School of Engineering! :computer:
Apr 23, 2024 Successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation! 🎓

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selected publications

  1. A COVID-19 emergency response for remote control of a dialysis machine with mobile HRI
    Hassam Khan Wazir, Christian LouridoSonia Mary Chacko, and 1 more author
    Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021