This is a guide for logging into the NYU HPC cluster and streamlining that process.

  • The usual way to access the NYU Greene HPC cluster is via SSH. This information is taken from the official NYU HPC website.

    • Simply open a terminal (Linux, Mac) or the Command Prompt (Windows 10) and enter the commands:

      ssh <netid>@greene.hpc.nyu.edu ## you can skip this step if you  are on the NYU Network or using the NYU VPN
      ssh <netid>@greene.hpc.nyu.edu

      where <netid> is your NYU NetID. You will be prompted for your NYU NetID password. Enter it and you will be logged into the login node.

  • SSH keys can be set up as follows so that you don’t have to enter your password every time:

  • On your local machine, generate a public/private key pair by running the command ssh-keygen -t rsa in a terminal. You will be prompted for a location to save the key pair. The default location is ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub for the private and public keys, respectively. You can just press enter to accept the default location.

  • Copy the public key to the login node by running the command ssh-copy-id <netid>@login.greene.hpc.nyu.edu. You will be prompted for your password. Enter it and the public key will be copied to the login node.

  • Now you can log into the login node without entering your password by running the command ssh <netid>@login.greene.hpc.nyu.edu.

  • As a final step, you can add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file to make logging in easier:

    # Host for ssh'ing into the Greene cluster when on the NYU network
    Host greene
      HostName greene.hpc.nyu.edu
      User <netid>
    # Host for 'tunneling' into the hpc when logging in from outside of the NYU network (i.e. at home)
    Host hpcgwtunnel
      HostName gw.hpc.nyu.edu
      ForwardX11 no
      LocalForward 8025 greene.hpc.nyu.edu:22
      User <netid>
    # Host for sshing into the greene cluster when tunneled in from outside of the NYU network (i.e. at home)
    Host greenetunnel
      HostName localhost
      Port 8025
      ForwardX11 yes
      User <netid>

Note: In Windows 10, the ~/.ssh/config file is located at C:\Users\<username>\.ssh\config.

Now you can log into the login node by simply running the command ssh greene.

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